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2020. 3. 18. 21:19카테고리 없음

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Feel free to send a modmail if you'd like one. Quick LinksLatest JailbreaksiOS/iPadOS 13 jailbreaks:.Supported: iOS/iPadOS 13.0 - 13.3.1iOS 12 jailbreaks:.Supported: iOS 12.3 - 12.4.5.Supported: iOS 12.0-12.2, 12.4.Supported: iOS 12.0-12.2, 12.4-12.4.1tvOS Jailbreaks.Supported: tvOS 12.0 - 13.3.1.Supported: tvOS: 12.0-12.2, 12.4for a full list of firmwares and jailbreak tools. Help and Answers.Got a confusing Cydia error message?.Got a confusing Sileo error message?.Jailbreaking question?First try and sorting by 'new'. Also please read the.Curious about learning how to develop tweaks?Check out the (and its IRC channels), including.Curious about how jailbreaks work?Check out.What to install?Unofficial Cydia search sites:,.Jailbreak News and ReviewsNews:.Rules 1. Does not allow piracy tools, sources, or websites.1A.

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No misleading/all-caps titles, and titles must contain at least three words (excluding tags).Use detailed titles for both news and questions. Also, link to the source of news, such as the developer who made the announcement, instead of linking to blogspam.Posts without tags will be automatically removed by AutoModerator.Tags let readers automatically hide posts using and sort through topics that interest them. No exceptionally low-effort posts.No memes, image macros, DAE posts, karma-farming, or shitposts. Similar low-quality/low-effort posts will be removed. Please read for clarification. No posts or comments about removing passcodes from locked devices, bypassing Activation Lock or removing IMEI lock.History has shown that these situations usually involve a stolen device, and the mods are not able to verify individual cases.

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Do not buy/sell devices or ask for money here.If you wish to buy/sell a jailbroken device, visit. Be civil and friendly.No insulting/rude, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.

Comments or posts. Additionally, do not be rude or unhelpful when responding to posts tagged Question. Topic must be jailbreak-related.Posts must be directly related to jailbreaking (with ).

Read the FAQ and search before posting.Posts that ask the most frequently asked questions will be removed by moderators, as they are either answered in our or on the sidebar.Visit the wiki for a Subreddits We Like. About SubredditSubreddit banner byIf you'd like to know more about the moderators, you can take a look at.You can take a look at for some projects we've open sourced. If AFC2 is still working, then OpenSSH would also still be working, and is in fact even more likely to still be working than AFC2 (as it has fewer moving parts, although to connect to it over USB will still require parts of lockdown to function in order to get tcprelay to start). OpenSSH is also fundamentally more useful than AFC2, and can fix more potential issues: AFC2's interaction with the device is sufficiently limited that it often is what causes problems when people start trying to use it due to its inability to model file permissions. So, please do not install AFC2: install OpenSSH and set a password. You do not need AFC2 on your device, and it was left out on purpose by (I believe primarily) pod2g, as he considers the entire idea of that modification fundamentally insecure. The only reason this was installed by jailbreaks for so long was a combination of 'precedent' and 'it is arguably the definition of a jailbreak', and previous jailbreaks from, for example, comex have already left it out.

I am not certain why coolstar is recommending people install AFC2, but he also has been distributing broken (like, fundamentally the wrong idea) upgrades to ncurses (one of my core packages) that have been causing a number of problems, and I had to get him to pull a corrupted unofficial version of the evasi0n7 untether itself from his repository not that long ago. I thereby am going to make a much stronger recommendation than just 'do not install AFC2': do not add coolstar's repository, if you have it installed and it prompts you for upgrades always say no, and if you previously installed any upgrades from his repository you should figure out how to downgrade as soon as possible. I presume/hope the package correctly uninstalls when you remove it; to be clear, the package is not inherently dangerous afaik: it simply adds functionality to access the root of your filesystem without a password while connected over USB, which is generally 'a bad idea'.

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I think it is safer on iOS 7 (due to 'trust this computer' prompts), but I have been told by 'people I really trust on this sort of thing' that the prompt is easily bypassed and the reason my code was getting the prompt is because I was 'playing by the rules' in a way that wasn't really required. I will say that when pod2g first started asking after this he was quite bothered that it had been installed by default for so long, and wanted to prevent it from being installed in the future.

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Again: it isn't necessary as OpenSSH (with a password) is better and people using AFC2 to fix things tend to cause more problems by accident due to its limited model of the filesystem.