Resource Center
Welcome to the Client Enrollment Services resource center. The resource center has helpful information about managed care, the HealthChoice Illinois program and the Medicare-Medicaid Alignment (MMAI) program. What is managed care? Managed care is a kind of health insurance program. When you enroll in managed care, you become a member of a health plan. The health plan you choose will offer you a full range of services and help you coordinate your health care. HealthChoice Illinois Illinois has expanded Medicaid managed care to all counties in the state.
The name of the expanded program is HealthChoice Illinois. Every county in the state will have 4 health plans to choose from. Cook County will have the same 4 plus 2 more plans to choose from. Learn more about. You can also learn more by visiting the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services website to read about. Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative The Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative is a special managed care program for seniors and persons with disabilities who have full Medicare and Medicaid benefits.
The Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative started in Illinois in 2014. It operates in the Greater Chicago and Central Illinois regions. Learn more about. Medicaid Managed Care Program Map See the managed care program and plan choices by county as of April 1, 2018, on the. Care Coordination Your health plan will offer education and help. This is called Care Coordination. With Care Coordination you will have a Care Coordinator who can help you get the care you need.
Find out more about. Care coordination through your health plan can help you:. Find a primary care provider (PCP) who will get to know you and your health care needs. Manage your health care conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure or asthma. Get information you need to stay healthy. Identify your health goals and create a care plan to reach those goals What can a care coordinator help you do? Some persons get a care coordinator to help reach their health goals.
A care coordinator can:. Answer questions about your care. Help you find a doctor or specialist. Help you transition out of a hospital or facility. Help connect you with community resources If you do not have a care coordinator, you can call your health plan’s member services helpline and ask for one. The member services phone number is on your health plan member ID card and in your health plan member handbook. You can also find the phone number in the list.
Illinois Medicaid Managed Care Health Plans Report Card The 2017 HealthChoice Illinois Plan Report Card is for people in the HealthChoice Illinois program. The report card shows how the health plans compare for care and services. The ratings for each plan will help you choose a plan that is best for you. To help you choose a plan, the report card includes tips under “Choosing a HealthChoice Illinois Plan” on the last page. The same 4 health plans are in every county in the state. Cook County has the same 4 statewide plans plus 2 more plans.
View the for Cook County. View the for all other counties. Personal Representative (Authorized Rep) Designation Form You can choose someone else to speak on your behalf and be given information about your Medicaid benefits and managed care enrollment. Just call us at 877-912-8880. Or fax the to us at 1-312-596-0249. The Managed Care Program Enrollment Packet You can see sample enrollment letters, brochures, health plan comparison charts and other enrollment materials for each managed care program.
They are all designed to help you choose the right health plan for you and your family. 2018 Health Plan Sanctions Find out more about. Health Plans’ Preferred Drug Lists A Health Plan’s Preferred Drug List (PDL) is a list of prescription drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines the health plan covers.
Resource Center For Independent Living
It is also called a Drug Formulary. To be covered, medications on the PDL must be prescribed by doctors in the plan’s network. Health plans do not all have the same drugs on their PDLs. Health Plan Preferred Drug List Blue Cross Community Health Plan CountyCare Health Plan Harmony Health Plan IlliniCare Health Meridian Health Plan Molina Healthcare Next Level Health Partners Want to contact a Medicaid managed care health plan? See a list of. Updating your address If you get medical benefits such as Medicaid or All Kids from the State of Illinois, you must be sure the State always has your correct address. To change your address, send an email to.
Resource Center For Independent Living
Redeterminations A redetermination is a review to see if you still qualify for Medicaid, All Kids, SNAP or cash assistance. You must have this eligibility review for Medicaid and All Kids at least once a year. The State must decide whether a member meets the rules to keep getting benefits.
Through the Illinois Medicaid Redetermination Project, the State decides whether members continue to qualify for Medicaid or All Kids. The project is also called IMRP. Find out more about. Grievances and appeals for Fair Hearings A grievance is a written complaint. You can file a grievance if you think you were treated unfairly. An appeal is a complaint you make when you think an action about your benefits or covered services is wrong.
Learn more about Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) You can find answers to common questions about Medicaid managed care at. You can also find helpful links at. News Discover what is going on in.
The Office of Minority Health Resource Center is a one-stop source for minority health literature, research and referrals for consumers, community organizations and health professionals. As the nation's largest repository of information on health issues specific to African Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Hispanics, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, the Resource Center offers a variety of information resources, from access to online document collections to database searches to customized responses to requests for information and assistance. The Knowledge Center is the largest dedicated repository of health disparities information in the nation, with a collection of 50,000 documents, articles, reports, books, journals and media related to the health status of racial and ethnic minority populations.
The library collection also includes sources of consumer health material in more than 35 languages. The Resource Center provides technical assistance designed to increase the strength and competence of health care agencies and programs, especially those that focus on HIV/AIDS in underserved communities. Examples of the type of assistance we provide include communications, community outreach and program design. Resource Center staff research and respond to telephone, e-mail and mail inquiries from the public. Examples of information we can assist with include database search results, funding sources and the most current data specific to a variety of health conditions and issues affecting racial and ethnic minorities.